I grew up on punk rock and skateboarding, and I still hold many of those belief close to my heart. I take the D.I.Y. ethic to many of the things I do and help with. My mom grew up on a farm in upstate New York and instilled in me her families work ethic. My father taught me the business end of honor and being straight forward. Eat some 'humble pie' on a regular basis and learn something new everyday, words I try to live by.
I started taking art classes at the age of 12 and still practice drawing and painting everyday. I graduated from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia in 1997. My dad said I should become a tattoo artist. Funny, 13 years later I finally am. But I thought it would be good to become a graphic designer, and spent the next ten plus years busting my butt at it only to realize I loved something else. Tattooing! A few years ago I started getting tattooed on a regular basis and it ignited a fire in me. I suddenly knew what I wanted to do. Since that day I have spent most of my time following that dream.
In addition to tattooing, I'm very active in the local bicycling community. I'm the series coordinator and founder of Cap City Cyclocross. The only bicycle racing series in Columbus. I have also been a ride leader for local group rides, a web designer for Ohio Mountain Bike Racing, Ohio Valley Cyclocross Series as well as helped many local clubs, racing teams and rides with graphic design.
thank you very much for your time.
- Andy Johnson